
Pending: Adventure

I've put this off until far too late in the day, and at this very moment my father is wolfing down his supper so that we can leave on time. To be fair, he said we would leave at 6:00 and he got home an hour early.

If you read my earlier post (here) you know that I've been looking forward to summer sailing for some time; I'm headed up to Erie tonight, and tomorrow the adventure begins! Just a few thoughts before I take off...

1) I think that sailing could be an introvert's dream. All that blue, all that quiet, and steady work that doesn't require too much thought to distract from internal processing. I packed my journal, a Bible, and a few small books to keep me company.

2) I think that sailing will quite possibly be an introvert's nightmare. I've been reading the training manual and realizing just how little space there really is on this thing, and 40 shiny happy people to fill it. This should be interesting.

3) I'm going with a College History Consortium, so I'm kinda psyched that there will be students and professors there... and maybe we'll get to have lectures!! I'm such a nerd.

4) I sincerely hope I packed enough. There's a whole lot to keep track of and only a little bit of space to fill up... fingers crossed.

I'm pretty sure I'll have a few things to say when I get back, but for now... I'm headed to (Lake) Ontario!

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