
... like coming home.

Long lost practice, this. Writing for someone besides myself. Not that anyone else reads what I write here, but it could happen, so I write for that person who probably exists at the end of my inductive argument...

It's odd that I haven't been here - even thought about being here - in eight months, and somehow I still agree with my purpose statement and want to continue it. The last year has been busy and beautiful and painful in its own ways, but the fact remains clear in my experience that Christians and churches continue to be poor representations of the glory of the gospel handed to us by God. We judge when we should show mercy, backpedal when we should speak truth, and huddle in our church buildings instead of going out to take on the brokenness of the world. If we believe that God has the power and the answers, why are we so timid and defensive?

I am no exception, obviously. I am a coward most of the time, and have a talent for offending people the rest of the time. But I can't improve unless I try, so here I am to try again. Where will my study of life lead me this year? I can't wait. Because I believe that God is powerful and wise, and changed lives don't happen in a vaccuum... here's a holler to the non-vaccuum out there. Yinz ready for this?